Traditional Māori healthcare and spiritual healing service.

Rongoā Māori
Rongoā Māori provides traditional Māori therapy and holistic healing services. Including mirimiri (massage), karakia, (prayer) and whitiwhiti kōrero (spiritual and cultural support).
"Rongoā Māori is a taonga (gift). It is something that is highly valued, to be treasured, treated with the utmost care and respect." Pa Ropata.
Rongoā Māori is an ancient traditional lore, the practices of which have been passed down from generation to generation.
As part of the values of traditional Māori medicine, health concerns are addressed using many different techniques.
Such as herbal and plant preparations and spiritual healing modalities.
This service is for:
All whānau, no matter where you are from.
Some of the services we offer:
- Mirimiri (massage)
- Karakia (prayer)
- Whitwhiti kōrero (spiritual and cultural support)
- Rongoā rākau (native flora preparations)

Rongoā Māori can heal and restore:
- Physical health (Te Taha Tinana)
- Spiritual health (Te Taha Wairua)
- Mental health (Te Taha Hinengaro)
- Self-determination (Mana motuhake)

How the service works
Takiri mai ra ko te ata i te tonga. Ka whariki mai te manu kua ao kua awatea. He ngākau aroha e kitea i roto inga to pito o te whare, Ngā uri whaka tupu ki te maunga teitei. E rupu mai ana e ngā hua papai, He oranga mō te iwi māori. - Nā te Kuia nā Keupe Stafford Fairest.