Leading the way in Māori Health since 1996
Our Story
Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua (THONR) is a people-first service that embodies the values of whakawhanaungatanga. Building and nurturing relationships are at the centre of everything we do.
THONR is so much more than a service; we are a family and fully embody our tikanga (values), providing a safe and confidential space for any whānau to call home.
We welcome anyone to our kāinga (home) and invite all whānau to visit us. We are proud to offer our community a home away from home.
We work closely with our people and provide support every step of the way, even if whānau are referred to another trusted provider.
Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua has an open-door policy. We encourage people to come and connect with us and join us for a cup of tea.
Our Story
Tō Mātou Wawata -
Our Vision
Whakamana te puna mauri ora o Ngāti Rārua, kia kaha pupuri ai ngā hekenga ā muri ake tonu.
Realise the wellspring of vital identity that is Ngāti Rārua, to strengthen all the migrations yet to come.
Te Whare Atawhai

The kupu Atawhai is synonymous with the role that Te Hauora O Ngāti Rārua provides within the community which is to go beyond the purviews of health and to show kindness, care, hospitality and generosity for the people.The building name and mahi of Te Hauora O Ngāti Rārua reflects the ohaki of Ngati Rārua rangatira Te Tana Pukekohatu who prior to passing said "Kia atawhai te tangata I muri I ahau, kia pai te noho." "Be kind to all people after I am gone, live well."The name is further entrenched within the Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Rārua strategy "Kia pai te noho."
Te Matike -
Our Mission
Kia tu katoa rā, te te ahurea (culture), te taiōhanga (economy), te pāpori (community/society), me te taiao (environment) o Ngāti Rārua, a te tau 2040.
By 2040, a viable Ngāti Rārua culture, economy, society and environment.

Over the years, the Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua Board has seen many kaihautū (leaders) who have contributed to the governance and strategic direction.
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.
My success is not mine alone, but it is the strength of many.
Takiri mai ra ko te ata i te tonga. Ka whariki mai te manu kua ao kua awatea. He ngākau aroha e kitea i roto inga to pito o te whare, Ngā uri whaka tupu ki te maunga teitei. E rupu mai ana e ngā hua papai, He oranga mō te iwi māori. - Nā te Kuia nā Keupe Stafford Fairest.